No. 100412
Found almost throughout the entire North American continent, Weasels are widespread, wily predators. Despite their small size, Weasels are very strong and capable of taking down prey larger than themselves. Their diet consists mostly of rodents, though they will eat just about any creature they can subdue.
Weasels of the genus Mustela are found throughout the world, on every continent except Antarctica and Australia. In North America, the weasel species include the Least Weasel and Short-tailed Weasel of the northern USA and Canada, and the Long-tailed Weasel found in the majority of the United States and Central America, as well as southern Canada.
Weasels have a reputation in many cultures for being sneaky and deceptive. Many Native American tribes few them as trickster spirits in their folklore, while Inuit legends contrarily depict them as wise, brave heroes.