This stingray is known by many names, including Black-blotched Stingray, Black-spotted Stingray, Round Ribbontail Ray, Speckled Stingray, and - when its coloration is dark with lighter gray and white speckling - the Marble Ray. This large ray can grow up to six feet across and is found in tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
The Round Ribbontail Ray has a highly variable coloration to its skin, from light gray to nearly black, with large splotches or smaller speckles covering its upper body. The common name “Marble Ray” comes from the mottled appearance of the more speckled examples, with a darker body color and lots of tightly spaced light, irregular spots, giving it a “marbled” appearance.
These rays are non-aggressive and will approach divers and swimmers out of curiosity, making them popular fish for eco-tourism. However, like all stingrays, they do have a venomous barb on their tail that they will use to defend themselves if provoked or harassed.
This species is listed as “Vulnerable” by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), largely due to overfishing and habitat loss. In some areas, the ray is intentionally fished for, while in other areas it is caught accidentally. Both instances can damage the ray population, due to its slow reproductive rate. Its coral reef habitat is also threatened by climate change.
I received my stingray and it’s perfect detailing is awesome thank you