Scorpions are easily identified by their segmented tail tipped with a venomous stinger and their prominent claws. Like spiders, they are arachnids and have eight legs. Despite their fearsome reputation, only 25 of the roughly 1700 species of scorpion are considered dangerous to humans.
Did you know scorpions glow under ultraviolet light? It’s true: due to a chemical in their exoskeletons, they will shine a bright blue under a UV lightbulb. No one is exactly sure why.
Scorpions are found on every continent except for Antarctica. While they were not always present on island countries like Japan or Britain, they have since been introduced by trading vessels.
Scorpion stings can be very painful, but only rarely does their venom actually pose a serious threat. Their claws (technically known as “pedipalps”) are used to subdue prey while the tail (known as a “metasoma”) delivers venom by way of the stinger (known as a “telson”).