The Eagle Owl is among the largest owl species, with a wingspan of over 6 feet. These owls are distributed across a wide range of varied habitats across Europe and Asia. Like their American cousins the horned owls, they are known for their pointed ear tufts.
Also known as the European Eagle Owl and the Eurasian Eagle Owl, this bird is often simply referred to as the Eagle Owl. It is often called the largest of the owls, though it has some competition from the Great Gray Owl (which has a longer body) and Blakiston’s Fish Owl (which is heavier).
This owl enjoys a widespread distribution across the continents of Europe and Asia, and 14 subspecies are currently recognized. The different subspecies are distinctive in their native range and the coloration and pattern of their feathers.
Like most owls, the Eagle Owl is largely active at night. They are very powerful and can attack prey much larger than animals favored by most other owl species. They feed on a wide range of prey, usually mammals of varying sizes.