One of the most popular barnyard chickens is the white Leghorn, an excellent layer and medium-sized bird. It’s a hardy breed originally from Italy that weighs six to seven pounds as an adult. As chicks, Leghorns are cute, yellow, and fluffy.
In 1852 a Captain Gates sailed into the harbor at Mystic, Connecticut, after crossing the Atlantic from Italy. His cargo included Leghorn chickens, a breed named neither for its legs or for horns. In fact, Gates had sailed from the port of Livorno and the west coast of Northern Italy, in the region of Tuscany. The English name for Livorno is Leghorn, which provides the namesake for this popular breed of layers. The first shipment were brown Leghorns, with a shipment of white chickens arriving the very next year to Boston harbor. And with that, a mid-sized chicken that would eventually spread coast to coast began its journey into American history.