Among all legendary creatures of the night, the Werewolf perhaps reigns supreme. Not only can it terrorize the darkness with tooth and claw, but in human form, it can walk about during the day, with no one the wiser, waiting for nightfall and the chance to howl once again.
Long ago, when magic was taken for granted, and witches hid in every dark corner, it wasn’t hard to imagine that the wolves roaming the countryside and filling the nights with their ghostly howls were actually werewolves, humans who shape-shifted into wolves. Along with vampires, werewolves took hold in the popular imagination, and they came to be associated with full moons, violence, and all sorts of horrors. In reality, there are several medical conditions that could make a person grow excess hair, enough to appear wolf-like. There’s even a medical condition known as clinical lycanthropy, in which a person believes himself to be an animal. Perhaps there is more truth to werewolves than some suspect.