The Vaquita is sadly one of the most endangered animals on the planet. This small cetacean is native only to the northwestern Gulf of California in Mexico, and its population is currently estimated at just 30 individuals. It faces extreme threat to its existence due to becoming tangled in illegal gillnets and changes to its limited habitat.
The Vaquita is seldom seen and tends to avoid boats. It is an unobtrusive porpoise, barely disturbing the surface when it comes up to breathe. Despite its general avoidance of humans, they are still in severe decline and will not recover without immediate action taken to save the species. The vaquita most frequently becomes tangled in gill nets meant to catch the totoaba sea bass, which itself is severely endangered. This type of fishing has been declared illegal in the cetacean’s range, but it still occurs and causes harm to the porpoise population.
The Vaquita Porpoise as every other whale, shark, and sea creature I have purchased from Safari Ltd. was shipped quickly, packed carefully, and arrived in perfect condition. He's going to look great after I prepare his silver harness and some subtle glitter so he can swim about my granddaughter's Christmas Coastal Tree next year. She loves all things of the ocean, especially sharks, and will be in utter shock when she sees this tree and all it's marvelous ocean creatures!