The Clouded Leopard is a smaller relative of the “big cats”. Native to Southeast Asia, this feline’s coat features large blotchy markings instead of the smaller “rosette” shaped spots of its cousin the Leopard.
The Clouded Leopard, though it is not one of the “big cats” of the genus Panthera, is a member of a closely related genus and serves as a kind of evolutionary bridge between Panthera and the smaller cat species like lynxes, cougars, and cheetahs. Despite their small size, these cats have abnormally large canine teeth, which can be as large as those of the Tiger, a cat that can be up to seven times bigger than the Clouded Leopard. Little is known about this cat’s habits or diet, as it is mostly nocturnal (active at night) and difficult to observe.
The Clouded Leopard is listed as a “Vulnerable” species, and its population is in decline. Though hunting this species is illegal in many countries, the laws are poorly enforced and poaching these animals for their skins (used to make coats) is the chief threat to their existence. There are currently estimated to be fewer than 10,000 Clouded Leopards left in the wild.
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