Also known as the budgerigar and the parakeet, the blue budgie is one of the many possible color variations of the budgie. They are extremely common in their native habitat, so much so that they are sometimes considered pests, and are the third most popular pet in the world!
Social and affectionate, budgies have been kept as pets for over a decade. They can be taught to whistle, sing, and some have even been known to speak with a vocabulary of over a hundred words. Interestingly, males have a much higher proclivity towards speaking than females do. However, the easiest way to tell apart a male and female budgie is the color of the “ceres,” which is the area containing their nostrils. On a male, the ceres is normally blue, whereas the ceres of a female is white or brown. Can you discern what gender this figurine is?
Absolutely wonderful